Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
- 98 - Specialized, Concentrated, Focused
Operating System Maintenance
When users get NK280 integrated system, the system has already been well installed and can be
used directly. In case of failure, users can restore it to leaving factory state by system recovery. Please
choose corresponding updating method of system recovery according to actual situation.
Power on and start the operating system, then press key
―M‖ repeatedly and simultaneously to enter
the system updating interface, as shown below:
F) Update FPGA
T) Update OS
S) Update BOOT
G) Update LOGO
R) Read Version Number
X) Register Reset
P) System Repair
Do it when OS can
t start normally
Enter your selection
Fig. 5-1 System EBOOT interface
The system provides 7 kinds of updating method, with corresponding short-cut key before each of
them. To press the short-cut key will operate the updating.
F) Update FPGA
To update FPGA programs.
T) Update OS
―Update OS‖ here refers to system mirror image update in nature. When the system is
damaged and cannot be booted, select this item.
S) Update BOOT
To update BOOT programs.
G) Update LOGO
Update the LOGO picture in the interface when the system initiates. .
R) Read version
Read and obtain the versions of current BOOT and OS (operating system).
Register Reset
Clear and empty the contents which have been written into the system registry, and restore to the
default leaving factory state.
Taking system IP address as an example, users can set IP address in [System info] interface for
network connection, and this address will be then written into the system registry. If
―Register Reset‖ item
is executed, the IP address will be reset to default value