The WaveWare
Paging Encoder
” can operate simultaneously on two types of alert event activity, including:
Serial Port Paging Commands
received on a Single Serial Com Port or Two Serial Com Ports
Timer Triggered Delivery
of paging messages (Also called Timed Messaging)
The WaveWare v
Series Paging Encoders
can simultaneously receive data on the input serial port(s) while encoding
paging messages and delivering the paging messages through the attached radio transmitter.
The WaveWare v
Series Paging Encoders
can output messages up to 500 characters in length in WaveWare mode, or
up to 240 characters in other serial port modes of operation.
The WaveWare v
Series Paging Encoders
can operate without a pager database, if you use one of the Direct Encoder
Control Methods available. If you use Traditional Paging System Control Systems that use Pager ID values that are
expected to be Translated into Pager Cap Codes, then you should use the Pager Database Configuration Functions.
Direct Encoder Control
is available in the following ways (allowing a pager database to not need to be programmed into
the encoder):
Setting “Pager ID as Cap Code” Mode On, and running TAP or COMP2 Input Mode
Using Extended Pager ID Encoding method and running TAP Input Mode or COMP2 Input Mode
Using Scope Input Mode
Using WaveWare Input Mode
The WaveWare v
Series Paging Encoder’s
Pager Database is organized into Four Sections:
Canned (Predefined) Messages
Pager Families – v9 Series
“Pager Families”
are Sequentially Defined Ranges of Pager IDs, where the Pagers in each Range have Common
attributes, such as Pager Type, Function Code, Data Rate, etc. Capacity of the
“Pager Families”
Database is 50
of up to 999 pagers per family, for well over 5,000+ pagers.
Pager Groups – v9 Series
“Pager Groups”
are Randomly Defined Lists of up to 20 pager IDs per Group, where a Group ID Triggers Output to the
List of Pagers in the Group. The Capacity of the
“Pager Groups”
Database is 10 pager groups of up to 20 pagers per
For most Normal Grouping of Pagers, it is “Recommended” to use a “
” Cap Code within a Group of Pagers.
This way the Pagers within that Group will Receive the Message all at the Same Time, instead of paging them one at a
time from a List of Pagers, which could take awhile to go thru the entire list.
Predefined Messages – v9 Series
“Predefined Messages”
are stored messages used for the following types of functions:
Paging message Prefix
Paging message Suffix
Timer Event Triggered paging message
“Predefined Messages”
can be up to 60 characters in length and the
Encoders can support up to 15
“Predefined Messages”.
Settings – v9 Series
are Split into 2 Areas:
“Encoder Settings”
“Advanced Encoder Settings”.
“Introduction” Continues on the Next Page