148 Fieldbus Communication
750-352/040-000 FC ETHERNET G3 XTR
Version 1.3.0
Pos: 87 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/F unktionsbeschr eibung/Fel dbuskommuni kati on/ETH ERNET /HTT P (H ypertext Transfer Protocol) @ 4\mod_1237211903403_21.docx @ 28517 @ 4 @ 1 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
HTTP is a protocol used by WWW (World Wide Web) servers for the forwarding
of hypermedia, texts, images, audiodata, etc.
Today, HTTP forms the basis of the Internet and is also based on requests and
responses in the same way as the BootP protocol.
The HTTP server implemented in the (programmable) fieldbus coupler or
controller is used for viewing the HTML pages saved in the coupler/controller.
The HTML pages provide information about the coupler/controller (state,
configuration), the network and the process image.
On some HTML pages, (programmable) fieldbus coupler or controller settings
can also be defined and altered via the web-based management system (e.g.
whether IP configuration of the coupler/controller is to be performed via the
DHCP protocol, the BootP protocol or from the data stored in the EEPROM).
The HTTP server uses port number 80.
Pos: 88 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/F unktionsbeschr eibung/Fel dbuskommuni kati on/ETH ERNET /DNS (Domain Name Ser ver) @ 4\mod_1237212084977_21.docx @ 28523 @ 4 @ 1 DNS (Domain Name Systems)
The DNS client enables conversion of logical Internet names such as
www.wago.com into the appropriate decimal IP address represented with
separator stops, via a DNS server. Reverse conversion is also possible.
The addresses of the DNS server are configured via DHCP, BootP or web-based
management. Up to 2 DNS servers can be specified. The host identification can
be achieved with two functions; an internal host table is not supported.
Pos: 89.1 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/F unktionsbeschr eibung/Fel dbuskommuni kati on/ETH ERNET /FTP- Ser ver (File Transfer Protocol) - Ei nleitung @ 7\mod_1265373934850_21.docx @ 49914 @ 4 @ 1 FTP-Server (File Transfer Protocol)
The file transfer protocol (FTP) enables files to be exchanged between different
network stations regardless of operating system.
In the case of the ETHERNET coupler/controller, FTP is used to store and read
the HTML pages created by the user, the IEC61131 program and the IEC61131
source code in the (programmable) fieldbus coupler or controller.
Pos: 89.2 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/F unktionsbeschr eibung/Fel dbuskommuni kati on/ETH ERNET /FTP (File Server Protocol) - F ür das Dateisystem steht ein Gesamtspeicher von 2 M B zur Verfügung @ 7\mod_1265374188806_21.docx @ 49923 @ @ 1
A total memory of 2 MB is available for the file system.
Pos: 89.3 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/F unktionsbeschr eibung/Fel dbuskommuni kati on/ETH ERNET /FTP- Ser ver - Hi nweis: Schr eibzyklen begr enzt, Fil esystem unterstützt Wear-Leveli ng (831, 880, 881) @ 7\mod_1275319161739_21.docx @ 57252 @ @ 1
Cycles for flash limited to 1 million!
Up to 1 million write cycles per sector are allowed when writing the flash for the
file system. The file system supports “Wear-Leveling”, so that the same sectors
are not always written to.
Pos: 89.4 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/F unktionsbeschr eibung/Fel dbuskommuni kati on/ETH ERNET /Informati on: Weiter e i nformati on zu den i mpl ementi erten Pr otokoll en @ 7\mod_1265374349668_21.docx @ 49929 @ @ 1