Diagnostics 137
750-352/040-000 FC ETHERNET G3 XTR
Version 1.3.0
Pos: 73.15 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Diagnose/F eldbuskoppler/-controll er/F ehl er ver halten, F el dbusausfall ( 750- 0341, -0352, -0330) @ 6\mod_1259588160031_21.docx @ 46150 @ 23 @ 1
10.2 Fault Behavior
10.2.1 Fieldbus Failure
A field bus failure is given i. e. when the master cuts-out or the bus cable is
interrupted. A fault in the master can also lead to a fieldbus failure.
A field bus failure is indicated when the red “ERROR”-LED is illuminated.
If the watchdog is activated, the fieldbus coupler firmware evaluates the
watchdog-register in the case of fault free communication, and the coupler
answers all following MODBUS TCP/IP requests with the exception code 0x0004
(Slave Device Failure).
Further Information
For detailed information on the Watchdog register see Chapter "MODBUS
Functions"; "Watchdog (Fieldbus failure)".
Pos: 73.16 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Diagnose/F eldbuskoppler/-controll er/Lokalbusfehler ( alle Koppler) @ 6\mod_1259229924500_21.docx @ 45543 @ 3 @ 1
10.2.2 Local Bus Failure
'I/O' LED indicates a local bus failure.
'I/O' LED flashes red:
When a local bus failure occurs, the fieldbus coupler generates an error message
(error code and error argument).
A local bus failure occurs, for example, if an I/O module is removed.
If the error occurs during operation, the output modules operate as they do during
a local bus stop.
If the local bus error is resolved, the coupler starts up after turning the power off
and on similar to that of a normal start-up. The process data is transmitted again
and the outputs of the node are set accordingly.
Pos: 73.17 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Diagnose/F eldbuskoppler/-controll er/Lokalbusfehler - N achtr ag Funkti onsbaustein KBUS_ERR OR _INF ORMATION (C ontroller) @ 6\mod_1259243954515_21.docx @ 45619 @ @ 1
For the evaluation of a local bus error in the application program, the function
block 'KBUS_ERROR_INFORMATION' is available.
For this the 'ERROR', 'BITLEN', 'TERMINALS' and 'FAILADDRESS' output
values are relevant.
= No error
= Bit length of the local bus shift register
= Number of I/O modules)
= Local Bus Error
= 0
= 0)
= Position of the I/O module after which the
local bus interruption arose, similar to the
flashed error argument of the I/O LED)