Operation & Maintenance Manual
LG936L Wheel Loader
3.5 Operations
3.5.1 Prepare to Work
Clean the working area, and fill-up any hollow spaces. Clear away the sharp stones and roadblocks
that may break the wheels and operation.
3.5.2 Modes of Work
Loading Operation
Work together with a truck which can help improve working efficiency especially for long
distance transportation.
When working together, the loader digs the material and the truck transports and unloads the
There are generally two loading and unloading ways:
Cross Load:
The loader faces the material, then it moves
backward after digging a full load and lets the
auto-unload truck move into the position between
material and the loader. This method costs the
minimum time and can reduce the cycle time most
“V” Shape Load:
The auto-unload truck is fixed and forms almost a
60°angle with the backward direction of the loader.
After digging, the loader moves backward and turns
the designated degree and moves forward to the
The smaller the loader work angle is, the more
efficient the work is.