Operator’s Manual Victory BX42S
- Page 36 of 51 -
Version 2.0
Preventive Maintenance
Regular equipment inspection is in everyone's interest; downtime due to overdue maintenance is
always more expensive.
Scheduled inspections at set times after a certain number of hours of operation, checking
crucial components preventively, can avoid costly repairs and downtime.
Each infeed hopper is designed with an internal rubber/belting curtain to prevent chips and debris
from coming out of the hopper when working.
Check the condition of the curtain each day before starting. Replace the curtain if torn,
damaged, or missing to minimize the chance of material coming out of the feed hopper.
Fluids and Lubricants
Use only a hand-held grease gun filled with Grade Type II grease.
Store lubricants in an area protected from dust, moisture, and other contaminants.
Use a hand-held grease gun for all greasing points.
Wipe grease nipple with a clean cloth before greasing to avoid injecting dirt and grit.
Replace and repair broken nipples immediately.
If nipples do not take grease, remove and clean them thoroughly; clean the lubricant
passageway. Replace nipples if necessary.
The yellow stickers with a grease
gun indicate where the essential
grease nipples are.
Lubrication table:
8 hrs/Daily:
40 hrs:
Lubricate PTO Shaft:
Lubricate flywheel bearings:
Clean Machine:
Clean PTO Shaft Cover guard: