Chapter 3: Configuration and commissioning
ZP1-X3E Series Installation Manual
Using a multimeter, verify that the fault relay is activated when a fault is reported
and that the fire alarm relay is activated when a fire alarm is reported.
Response times
Response times for standard events are as follows.
Table 20: Response times for standard events
Response time
Less than 3 seconds
Input activation
Less than 3 seconds
MCP Hold fault
Less than 2 seconds
MCP Abort fault
Less than 2 seconds
Other input faults
Less than 3 seconds
Actuator fault
Less than 30 seconds
Optical panel fault
Less than 30 seconds
Zone fault
Less than 30 seconds
Sounder fault
Less than 30 seconds
Fire routing fault
Less than 30 seconds
Earth fault
Less than 100 seconds
Battery charger fault
Less than 100 seconds
No batteries found fault
Less than 3 minutes
Mains fault
Less than 3 minutes
Low battery fault
Less than 100 seconds
Fuse/protection fault
Less than 3 minutes
System fault
Less than 100 seconds
Battery high resistance fault
Less than 4 hours