ZP1-X3E Series Installation Manual
Important information
This is the installation manual for the ZP1-X3E Series Extinguishing and Fire
Alarm Control Panels. Read these instructions and all related documentation
entirely before operating this product.
Firmware compatibility
Information in this document covers control panels with firmware version 2.0 or
later. This document must not be used as a guide to installation, configuration, or
operation of control panels with an earlier firmware version.
For instructions on how to check the firmware version of your control panel, see
“Configuration, software, and PCB identification” on page 59.
Advisory messages
Advisory messages alert you to conditions or practices that can cause unwanted
results. The advisory messages used in this document are shown and described
Warning messages advise you of hazards that could result in injury
or loss of life. They tell you which actions to take or to avoid in order to prevent
the injury or loss of life.
Caution messages advise you of possible equipment damage. They tell
you which actions to take or to avoid in order to prevent the damage.
Note messages advise you of the possible loss of time or effort. They
describe how to avoid the loss. Notes are also used to point out important
information that you should read.
Limitation of liability
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will UTCFS be
liable for any lost profits or business opportunities, loss of use, business
interruption, loss of data, or any other indirect, special, incidental, or
consequential damages under any theory of liability, whether based in contract,
tort, negligence, product liability, or otherwise. Because some jurisdictions do not
allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental
damages the preceding limitation may not apply to you. In any event the total
liability of UTCFS shall not exceed the purchase price of the product. The
foregoing limitation will apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law,
regardless of whether UTCFS has been advised of the possibility of such
damages and regardless of whether any remedy fails of its essential purpose.