This chapter outlines how to configure many of the common settings for your ISDN
TA using AT commands. Further descriptions of these settings, as well as methods of
adjusting these settings using the ControlCenter software that came with your ISDN
TA, are discussed in previous chapters.
Typing AT Commands
AT commands are used to change your ISDN TA’s settings. They are sent using your
communications software’s terminal mode.
If you are using third-party communications software, consult the users manual for
information on using terminal mode. If you are using the ControlCenter software that
came with your ISDN TA, click the Terminal icon to reach terminal mode.
To issue a command, type it (remembering to put the “AT” in front of it) and press
Enter. For example, type AT*S=1. Then press Enter.
The commands listed below are the only ones that do not require that AT precede
Re-executes the most recent command issued
Repeats the most recent command until
canceled by pressing any key
Returns your ISDN TA to command mode (Do
not press Enter after issuing this command.)
The sections below cover many of the commands necessary to configure your ISDN
TA for connection to an Internet Service Provider or other online service. They are
grouped by the ATI screens that provide you with information about how the settings
are currently configured.
The sections below tell you how to issue an ATI command, show you what
information is displayed when the command is issued, and then tell you how to adjust
the settings referred to in the ATI information.
Default settings are listed in italics.
Note: This section is not an exhaustive list of AT commands. For a full list of
commands, see the “AT Commands and S Registers” chapter.
ATI12 (Switch Settings)
Type ATI12 and press Enter. An information screen appears, listing your ISDN
TA’s switch, SPID and telephone number, and Always On/Dynamic ISDN (AO/DI)
information, as shown in Figure 11-1. Settings changed on the ATI12 screen do not
have to be saved to NVRAM with &W. However, before settings will take affect
you must reset the ISDN TA, with ATZ!