Manual CWD 2005
Manual CWD2005.doc
Move cursor
With the Button
the selection of the three info windows is done. To
change the selected line and choose the different physical values the arrows and the
return in the circle are active points
. Every touch of the arrows scrolls to the
next physical value.
Available values:
Cal Vi 2
Wobbe I 2
Spec grav 2
Cal Vs 2
cal Vi
Wobbe i
Wobbe s
Spec grav
Cal Vs
T sec
T ein
T amb
T i
T Res 3
p air
p Wobbe
p density
p res 3
All three info windows are prepared for all physical values and can be displayed in
the diagram.
Change time
To present the diagrams optimal, tools are programmed which can show the graph in
an optimal solution.
In the following example the diagram shows over all a window of 60 minutes in a
distance from line to line of 6 minutes. In the middle of the base line always the
distance from line to line is shown.