Manual CWD 2005
Manual CWD2005.doc
“Time interval“select the print time in minutes. This is an average of the time interval
and the minimum and maximum value of this interval is also displayed.
The daily value gives an average over one day. The example prints out at midnight.
Outputs are prepared in a bit code of the outputs 1
– 7.
Output 1 = 1
Output 2 = 2
Output 3 = 4
Output 4 = 8
Output 5 = 16
Output 6 = 32
Output 7 = 64
For all outputs enter code 127 (1+2+4+8+16+32+64). (Example: Sum of outputs 1 to
7). Output 1 and 2 is the code 3 (1+2). Output 1, 2 and 3 (1+2+4) is code 7.
“Logging state” is the output of all state changes. These states are also available in
the event list and stored. Yes or no switches this function on or off.
“Logging temperature” logs the room temperature if the sensor is connected to the
system. This is very helpful for locating problems if the measurement of the CWD
2005 is unstable.