Manual CWD 2005
Manual CWD2005.doc
Calibration for CWD 2005
: Calibration data is entered as Wobbe Index and Specific
Gravity values. The standard analyzer will have one measuring range and will require
one calibration gas.
For a dual or three measuring ranges configuration, 1 or 2 calibration gases are
required. This depends on how far the two measuring ranges overlap. If the overlap
is large, a single calibration gas is usually sufficient. This is determined on an
application basis during final calibration. All analyzers with the carrier gas option
calibrate during operation on carrier gas and again using both carrier gas and
process gas to establish correct calibration in all modes against calibration gases.
Dual sample stream analyzers usually use a single calibration gas.
Calibration for W 2005
The W 2005 is supplied without a density cell and does
not require a specific gravity input. Enter “0” in the density field display because if
there is a number entered, the software will try to calculate the specific gravity and
calorific value using this number.
This feature can also be useful when measuring process gases with very
steady specific gravity using the W 2005. Instead of entering the specific gravity as
“0”, enter the expected specific gravity of the process gas. The W 2005 will then
display the current “correct” Wobbe index measurement and the customer entered
“fixed ” value of specific gravity and use this to calculate a calorific value based on
the real Wobbe index value.