Manual CWD 2005
Manual CWD2005.doc
Spare parts list
A list of recommended spareparts for 1 year and 2-3 years operation can be found in
chapter 7 under the heading Consumables.
If any unusual conditions are inspected at the job site, the factory can offer advice, so
that specially selected spare parts packs can be provided.
In certain countries, hardware parts and screws that are commonly available in
Europe can be difficult to obtain so a small stock of these parts is available.
Pressure regulators
Stable measurement requires very stable pressure regulation and several pressure
regulators for process and calibration gases are approved for use by the factory.
When operating pressures exceeding 6 bar. (90 PSIG) a 2-stage pressure regulator
must always be used.
Low sample pressure
If the process pressure cannot always be expected to r
each 30 mbar (12”H2O), 60
mbar (24” H
O) with low calorific gases, then a sample gas pump is required. The
boosted pressure is then reduced to required inlet pressure.
The pump should be suitable for the volume, gas type and area code requirements
and gas consumption (see Chapter 3 or details). A flow of gas between 8 l/h and 220
l/h is required depending on measurement range and speed loop gas consumption.
Gas conditioning
Coke Oven gas and Blast Furnace gas contain moisture, sulfur, tar and dust. Dust
and moisture in the sample gas must be removed and a sample system is available
as an option that cleans and simultaneously removes moisture from these gases
(Ask for Pury 100 W sample gas conditioner details).
The system consists of a process mounted SS sample probe with filter element and
cooling unit that cools the sample gas down to around 4-5°C.
An optional sample conditioning system with standard filters can be used for less
dirty gases as shown in the following drawing. All components are mounted on SS
mounting plate with a filter bypass that allows you to change the filter element online.