Manual CWD 2005
Manual CWD2005.doc
sample gas inlet (see section 3.2). The pump must meet the requirements for flow
and installation area classification. See Chapter 11 for more details.
4.5.4. Carrier gas Support
Process gas with a high level of inert gas will not burn with a stable flame and these
poor quality gases need a carrier gas support for combustion
Typical carrier gases include Natural gas, Methane, LPG gas or Hydrogen. These
gases have a steady calorific value that is calculated as a scaling factor.
Oxygen is a non flammable carrier gas that supports combustion without adding
calorific value. Typical flow of carrier gas is 3
– 5 Liter /h. The software is configured
at the factory. See Section For mechanical installation see section 11.5.3.
The carrier gas support option needs to be installed at the factory, as it is difficult to
retrofit the system after delivery.
4.5.5. Fast Loop connection
For a more rapid response time, a fast loop connection can be provided. A T-piece
with a pressure regulator and a flow meter is inserted before the calorimeter and the
excess gas sample is piped to a lower pressure location or a vent header. The dead
time can generally be reduced by a factor 1:5 and this normally depends on the gas
type and the pressure ratios in the sample tubing. See section 11.5.3 for more