Manual CWD 2005
Manual CWD2005.doc
“Ignition type” can be single ignition or repeat ignition. The ignition cycle is always the
same as the ignition duration. The longest ignition duration is 100 seconds. Normally
speaking, an ignition cycle should last between 15 and 20 seconds.
When the ignition threshold is reached, ignition ceases. The “Ignition threshold” is the
degree count that the thermopile recognizes the flame is burning.
Flame temperatures are gas composition dependant so the factory will preset the
optimum temperature for the specified measuring range. In the example, 3°C is the
differential temperature of the incoming cooling air/flue gas mix at the thermopile.
If a new update is required, a CWD 2005 software memory stick has to be inserted in
the left side
of the door. Start by pressing the “Update” menu key and the update
starts automatically.
After the copy procedure to the “disk on chip” is finished, remove the memory stick
(copy time is about 1 minute).
The CWD 2005 boots automatically and starts the measurement operation.
An error message appears “Unable to open file” if the key is activated without
a memory stick in the USB port.