Programming Manual MSO/UPO2000 Series
34 / 156
value from CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 or CHANnel4. Omitting represents the current channel.
Return format
Query returns -3.120e000, unit is V.
Command format
:MEASure:VMIDdle? [<source>]
Functional description
This command is used to measure the middle value of the specified channel waveform. <source> take value
from CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 or CHANnel4. Omitting represents the current channel.
Return format
Query returns 0.120e000, unit is V.
Command format
:MEASure:VAVerage? [<interval>], [<source>]
Functional description
This command is used to measure the average value of the specified channel waveform. <source> is the
specified channel and take value from CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 or CHANnel4. If there is no assigned
<source>, then the current channel as the default; <interval> specifies the measuring interval, take value
from CYCLe, DISPlay. CYCLe represents integer cycle, DISPlay represents full screen. If there is no
assigned <interval>, then DISPlay as the default.
Return format
Query returns 1.120e000, unit is V.
Command format
[<interval>], [<source>]
Functional description
This command is used to measure the root mean sqaure value of the specified channel waveform. <source>
is the specified channel and take value from CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 or CHANnel4. If there is no
assigned <source>, then the current channel as the default; <interval> specifies the measuring interval,
take value from CYCLe, DISPlay. CYCLe represents integer cycle, DISPlay represents full screen. If there is
no assigned <interval>, then DISPlay as the default.
Return format
Query returns 1.230e000, unit is V.
Command format
? [<source>]
Functional description
This command is used to measure the AC root mean sqaure value of the specified channel waveform.