Programming Manual MSO/UPO2000 Series
58 / 156
Query returns HOLD.
Command format
Functional description
This command is used to set time interval of setup hold trigger.
Return format
Query returns the current time interval, unit is s.
For example
Set time interval of setup hold trigger to 1s.
Query returns 1.000e000.
Command format
Functional description
This command is used to switch the selected source. SOURce<n> represents source, n take value from 1,
SOURce1 represents data source; SOURce2 represents clock source.
Return format
Query returns { SOURce1 | SOURce2 }.
For example
Set the selected focus source.
Query returns SOURce1.
Nth edge Trigger
Command format
:TRIGger:NEDGE:SLOPe {POSitive|NEGative}
Functional description
This command is used to set edge type of the trigger, which includes POSitive (rising edge) and NEGative
(falling edge).
Return format