Programming Manual MSO/UPO2000 Series
104 / 156
Functional description
This command is used to set
DATA of LIN bus of the oscilloscope. Binary character string data presented
by parameter is 0, 1 or X. X represents unsure. And its rang is related to the value set by instruction setting
value *8bits :SBUS:LIN:TRIGger:DATA:LENGth, the rang is 0x0~0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
Return format
Query returns binary character string data.
For example
Set LIN bus DATA to X00X00X1.
Query returns X00X00X1.
Command format
Functional description
This command is used to set error type of LIN bus trigger condition of the oscilloscope.
{SYNC | PARity | SUM}: synchronization, ID parity bit, checksum.
Return format
Query returns { SYNC | PARity | SUM}.
For example
Set LIN bus trigger condition to SYNC.
Query returns SYNC.
Command format
:SBUS:FR:SOURce {CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4|<Dx>}
Functional description
This command is used to set FlexRay bus decoding source of the oscilloscope.
<Dx>: It presents the oscilloscope has LA function and it can set D0-D15 channel as the bus decoding source.
Return format
Query returns {CHANnel1|CHANnel2|CHANnel3|CHANnel4|<Dx>}.
For example
Set channel 1 as the FlexRay bus decoding source.
Query returns CHANnel1.