24 Port SNMP Managed Switch – User Manual
Product Number 0-1591058-x
© Tyco Electronics 2003
PL0351 Issue 1
This is a special mode that places each switch port into a separate VLAN with downlink Ports
1-24 forwarded to either 1 or 2 uplink Ports. This is intended purely for applications where the
security constraints are that downlink switch ports RJ-45 ports must never be allowed to
communicate, for example in Multi-Tenanted buildings.
Figure 59. The MTU/MDU Per Port VLAN Table in The VLAN Configuration
No adjustments are possible to this special VLAN configuration and the paths are fixed by the
MTU/MDU selection made in the Switch Configuration menu > VLAN Mode Configuration.
After the MTU/MDU mode has been selected and the Submit button pressed, a similar menu
is displayed that offers MTU/MDU Per-Port VLAN either with 1 or 2 uplinks from a pull-down
box. If <One Uplink> is selected then ports 1-24 will be mapped to the uplink port 25. If <Two
Uplinks> are selected, then ports 1-12 are mapped to uplink port 25 and ports 13-24 are
mapped to uplink 26. Ensure that the Submit button is clicked after the uplink number