24 Port SNMP Managed Switch – User Manual
Product Number 0-1591058-x
© Tyco Electronics 2003
PL0351 Issue 1
Port Mirroring Configuration
Port mirroring is used during more complex diagnostic operations to allow network analyzer
devices such as Sniffer systems to view live network traffic. This function is needed on
switches as packets are normally forward only on MAC address values and therefore do not
get sent to other ports. Port mirroring allows the engineer to program the switch to output
traffic that is being sent to or from a designated port to a debug or mirrored port.
Select the Port Mirroring Configuration menu and use the <tab> or cursor keys to move to the
Source Port field. Highlight the required Source Port by using the <space> bar and select the
value using the <CR> or return key. Then select the Target Port in the same way. Save the
The Source and Target Ports must have different port numbers.
Note that bandwidth constraints mean that packet loss will occur if the Source Port has a
higher traffic level than can be supported by the Target Port. For example, selecting Gigabit 1
as the source and 10/100M port 3 as the target will probably result in overload as port 3 will
not be able to handle all the packets arriving from the Gigabit port.
Figure 31. The Port Mirroring Configuration Menu