24 Port SNMP Managed Switch – User Manual
Product Number 0-1591058-x
© Tyco Electronics 2003
PL0351 Issue 1
Quick Start Guide
If you do not need to apply VLANs, Quality of Service, adjust any settings or manage the
switch via the network, then the switch can be used “straight-from-the-box” to carry network
traffic. In that case, no further action is needed. If you want to use the management settings
or controls, then a little work is needed to configure the switch.
1. After the installation is completed and AC power is applied to the switch, the unit will
automatically perform a diagnostic test. The switch loads its operating code from memory
and performs a full power-on self test. The screen will display the self-test progress, but
do not press any keys at this stage. This power-up sequence takes approx. 90 seconds to
complete. The web interface will take a further 30 seconds to become operational.
2. Configure you PC terminal emulation program such as HyperTerminal to allow it to
communicate with the switch via the supplied serial cable connected to the front panel
Console port. Set the emulation program for 9600, 8, No Parity, No Flow Control. See
page 12 for details
3. When the password and user name prompt is displayed, use the default username of
in lower case letters. Use the password
. The main menu screen will be
displayed. Use either cursor keys or the tab key to navigate up and down the menu.
Select the item using the <CR> key. The <ESC> key will return you to the previous menu
4. If the switch is to be managed over the LAN using the Telnet, SNMP or the web browser
functions, then an IP address is to be assigned to the switch. See page 14 for details. If
the switch is not being managed over the LAN, then go to page 12 below.
5. Once an IP address has been assigned to the switch, it should be possible to PING the
switch over the network. This will prove that the switch is present and responding
correctly to network requests. See page …. For details.
6. Now that the switch can be accessed over the network, use a browser application to open
up the configuration screens. Enter the switch IP address into the browser Address
window and use the same user name and password set as in 3 above.
7. Using the preferred method (console, Telnet or web browser), configure the switch to
meet your network requirements. Always save the configuration at the end of each action.
8. If you need to revert the switch back to the factory default configuration, then see page 36
or page 55.