24 Port SNMP Managed Switch – User Manual
Product Number 0-1591058-x
© Tyco Electronics 2003
PL0351 Issue 1
Switch Port Configuration
Figure 18. The Switch Port Configuration Menu
This menu is used to select and then configure the required ports. The first element
highlighted in the menu is the Group ID. The switch is divided into 3 groups:-
A = Ports 1-12,
B = Ports 13-24,
C = The 2 option slots (ports 25 and 26).
Use the <space> key to toggle between the different port groups. Alternatively, you can move
to different groups by using the Prev Page and Next Page fields at the bottom of the screen.
Highlight the required switch port by using the <Tab> or cursor key to move through the port
list of the selected group. Select the port by using the <CR> or Return key. This action opens
a new sub-menu that allows the specified port to be configured.