24 Port SNMP Managed Switch – User Manual
Product Number 0-1591058-x
© Tyco Electronics 2003
PL0351 Issue 1
Enter the MAC address of a device you wish to set as static unicast address associated with
a switch port. Use<Space Bar> to toggle the status field between Disable, Forwarding, Filter-
In, and Filter-Out.
Disable – This Unicast Address entry has no effect to the switch system.
Forwarding – All packets designated to this MAC address will be forward (and only to)
the designated port.
Filter-in – Only packets originated from this MAC address will be permitted to enter
this port, in other words, packets originated from any other MAC address will be
dropped at this port automatically.
Filter-out – All packets designated to this MAC address will be blocked
Due to menu restrictions, the following points apply:-
The MAC address needs to be manually entered and cannot be acquired by learning
the MAC address from a port or switch table.
Only one static table entry at a time can be entered. It is necessary to go back to the
table view to select the next entry for editing.
Static Multicast Address Configuration
In the Static Multicast Configuration Menu screen, besides the MAC Address and Status field
(Enable/Disable), you can add member(s) to the group by checking the port(s) with <Space
Bar> key. Up to 32 multicast groups can be supported by the switch.
Port Statistics
Figure 19. The Port Statistics menu
The required port is selected by entering the port number inserted in the Port ID field or by
navigating to the Prev Port or Next Port fields and using the <CR> key to decrement or
increment the port value. All counters for the selected port are reset by the Reset Counter
control at the bottom of the screen.