24 Port SNMP Managed Switch – User Manual
Product Number 0-1591058-x
© Tyco Electronics 2003
PL0351 Issue 1
Permanent Address Configuration
This mode enables the switch to be configured to a high security mode where specified MAC
addresses are associated with a port. These MAC addresses are programmed into the switch
into static tables for use both in unicast and multicast applications. The switch can be
configured to forward packets from a MAC address or reject packets to a MAC address. Up to
128 static MAC addresses can be added to the unicast table and 32 addresses to the
multicast table. The required table is highlighted using the <Tab> key or the cursor keys and
selected using the <CR> return key.
Figure 3-18. The Permanent Address Configuration menu
Static Unicast Address Configuration
You can create, modify, or delete a Static Unicast Address by selecting an index from the next
menu and then by selecting entries from the following screen.