24 Port SNMP Managed Switch – User Manual
Product Number 0-1591058-x
© Tyco Electronics 2003
PL0351 Issue 1
The mapping of the VLAN will be shown in the display with the following values against each
port number.:-
(S) – Port(s) is set as static (fixed) member of the VLAN.
(D) – Port(s) is set as static (fixed) member of the VLAN and can be registered as a
dynamic VLAN member as well.
(C) – Port(s) is both a static member and a dynamic member of the VLAN. (Common
when GARP is enabled)
To view the settings of all ports in the switch, select the VLAN Configuration link in the left
hand navigation pane and a summary of each VLAN will be displayed.
When there are mixed environments of tagged and un-tagged ports in the switch, then it is
necessary to designate ports as handling tagged traffic. This is because, by default the switch
has every port in the un-tagged mode and so to allow tagged traffic, the specific port needs to
have its attributes changed. This is achieved by selecting the Untagged Configuration menu
in the Static IEEE802.1Q VLAN page and if a port is to carry tagged traffic, use the pull-down
box to change from Yes to No. This will ensure that the port can handle tagged traffic.
Figure 58. The Untagged Configuration Menu
If the port selection is Yes, then the port will strip off VLAN tags.
If the port selection is No, then the port will forward VLAN tags.