and Operation
Set up
and Operation
Set up
Recording Images on FTP Server (Cont.)
■ SD card back up
You can choose to store images in the SD card in case images cannot be
recorded in the server due to a network failure, server shutdown or other
trouble. Stored images can be transferred to the FTP server when the
network restores or trouble cause is resolved.
1) Setting ON/OFF of storage function
・ Choose "ON" to store images in the SD memory card. Otherwise
choose "OFF."
2) Accumulation Cycle
・ Set an interval in seconds for recording images to be stored.
・ Choose a time interval to set.
1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600, 900, 1800 or 3600
3) Setting overwrite function
Set whether or not to overwrite when the storage capacity of the SD
memory card becomes full.
ON: Overwrite beginning old stored images.
OFF: SD Card is not overwritten.
Set "Accumulation Cycle" and "Overwrite" after setting "Function ON/OFF" to
Setting the Overwrite mode to "ON" deletes files beginning with old files.
Set the mode to "OFF" if important data is stored.
Do not change settings while storage files are stored in the SD memory
card. Otherwise, settings for the current recording conditions will be used
for the server path.
■ Recording by Ext. Control In
(Displayed if "Ext. Control In Recording" is chosen as an
FTP record conditions.)
Set if recording by Ext. Control In is chosen.
・ Set to enable "Ext. Control In" in alarm setting (see page 71).
1) Setting a Recording Cycle
・ Recording at a rate of one images per set time (seconds).
・ Choose a time interval to set
1/30, 1/15, 1/10, 1/5, 1/3, 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 30, 60, 120 or
180 second
The cycle may shift depending on image size and Network conditions.
2) Enter "Record File Name"
・ Enter characters in the part described as (keyword).
File name will be shown like this:
e.g. LV (Keyword) yyyy mm dd HH MM SS ***N.JPG
You cannot use these characters:
\ / : ; , | ? * < > ’ ”
When "Fixed" is set, the file name will be the text entered in the "Record File
Name" keyword field. For example, if "toshiba" is entered as the keyword, the
file name will be "toshiba.jpg". The file will be overwritten with the same file
name on the FTP server with every new transfer.
Followings are the meaning of each part.
Shows a file that is recorded by "Ext. Control In Recording".
Enter user defined keyword.
Indicates date (Year, Month, Day).
(e.g. June 26, 2006 → 20060626)
Indicates time (Hour, Minute, Second).
(e.g. 23:59:00 → 23 59 00).
Time is displayed in 24-hour time display.
If the camera records more than one image at the same
period, the order is indicated with 3-digit number. The bigger
the number, the newer (latest) the image.
Indicates Daylight Saving.
N: Not in Daylight Time
D: Daylight (Summer) Time
3) Entering Server Path
・ Set a server path for recording of files. Ask your FTP server
administrator if you have a question.