TMP High Performance Vector Control Inverter User Manual
With improper PI parameters, after accelerating to high speed,
over-voltage during Dec process may occur (Without external braking
resistor or unit), which is caused by regenerative braking after speed
overshoot. To avoid this fault, user can tune PI parameters.
Adjustment of PI parameter in high/low speed applications
If system is required to respond quickly both in low and high frequency
operation with load, user may set ASR switching frequency (P5.04).
Normally, when the system runs at low frequency, the transient response
performance can be improved by increasing P and decreasing I. Adjust
ASR parameters following the procedures below:
Set appropriate switching frequency P5.04;
Tune proportional gain P5.00 and integration time P5.01 for low-speed
application, and ensure no oscillation and good response performance
at low frequency.
Next, tune proportional gain P5.02 and integration time P5.03 for
high-speed application, and ensure no oscillation and good response
performance at high frequency.
P5.05 Slip compensation gain
Setting range:50.0
P5.05 is used to calculate slip frequency. Setting value 100% means rated slip
frequency corresponds to rated torque current. User may decrease/increase the
settings of P5.05 to adjust the speed control's difference accurately.
This function is valid to open loop vector control mode. For close loop vector
control mode, F5.05 can be set to 100% for most applications.