TMP High Performance Vector Control Inverter User Manual
Chapter 2 Inverter Installation
2.1 Environment for Product Installation
Avoid installing the product in the sites with oil mist, metal powder and dust.
Avoid installing the product in the sites with hazardous gas and liquid, and corrosive, combustible
and explosive gas.
Avoid installing the products in salty sites.
Do not install the product in the sites with direct sunlight.
Do not mount the product on the combustible materials, such as wood.
Keep the drilling scraps from falling into the inside of inverter during the installation.
Mount the product vertically in the electric control cabinet, mount the cooling fan or air conditioner
to prevent the ambient temperature from rising to above 45 ºC.
For the sites with adverse environment, it is recommended to mount the inverter heatsink outside
the cabinet.
2.2 Mounting Direction and Space
In order not to reduce the inverter cooling effect, the inverter must be mounted vertically, and certain
space must be maintained, as shown in Fig. 2
−1 and Fig.2−2.
Fig.2−1 Mounting direction and space forTMP-0R4G-2~TMP-2R2G-2 and TMP-0R7G-4/1R5P-4
and below power class
Air circulation position
Air circulation position
Above 120mm
Above 120mm
Air circulation position
Air circulation position
Above 120mm
Above 120mm
Above 30mm
Above 30mm