TMP High Performance Vector Control Inverter User Manual
P9.32 Record function
Setting range:0
Record function disabled
In programming operation state, if user press stop key, counter value of
present program will not be recorded. Input running command again,
program will run from the first stage.
Record function enabled
In programming operation state, program will pause when stop key is
pressed. Input running command again, program will run from the breakpoint.
When the drive stops, user can clear counter value of current program by
setting function code P9.00 again.
Record function enabled
In programming operation state, program will pause when stop key is
pressed. Input running command again, program will run from the breakpoint,
When the drive stops, user can clear counter value of current program by
setting function code P9.00 again.
FA parameter group defines parameters of PID control function.
PID control function diagram is shown below, where P is proportional gain, I
is integration time, D is differential time.