Additional Instructions and Manuals
Host Commands and OMNI LINK
All OMNIDRIVEs are setup through serial Host Commands. The drives may be configured directly
through the Host Command language or indirectly through the OMNI LINK software. OMNI LINK is a
graphical user interface that provides a visual method of accessing the Host Command language through
the Microsoft Windows Operating System.
All documentation for both the Host Commands and OMNI LINK is on-line. Host Command information
is available through a comprehensive on-line reference manual. OMNI LINK information is available
through Help menus. The on-line documents provide in-depth explanations of the Host Command lan-
guage as well as the menus, windows and dialog boxes that make OMNI LINK a convenient method for
programming OMNIDRIVE .
To access the Host Command Reference
Click on the Host Command Reference icon in the OMNI LINK program group.
To access OMNI LINK Help
Open OMNI LINK by clicking on the OMNI LINK icon in the OMNI LINK group, and
Press the F1 key.
The optional TouchPad may be used to monitor and configure the OMNIDRIVE . The TouchPad com-
mand structure is similar to the structure of OMNI LINK, but operates through an abbreviated keypad
interface. The card
TouchPad Instructions
is provided with the TouchPad. It describes the installation
and operational instructions in a pocket-sized directory. The
TouchPad Command Tree Card
and addi-
tional instructions for the TouchPad are included in the section titled, “TouchPad Instructions” which
begins on page A-1. The
TouchPad Command Tree Card
is a graphical presentation of both the operational
instructions and the command structure for the OMNIDRIVE. You may find it convenient to refer to the
card when using the TouchPad with a drive.
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