Application and Configuration Examples
Installation Manual for Models ODM-005, ODM-005i, ODM-010, ODM-010i, ODM-020 and ODM-020i
8Application and Configuration Examples
Position Follower (Step/Direction)
The OMNIDRIVE can be set up as a Position Follower using Step/Direction commands by making the
hardware connections and performing the software setup and tuning described below. This configuration
allows the OMNIDRIVE to electronically gear or drive a servo motor using step and direction signals
that typically control a stepper drive. The connection diagram depicts the minimum hardware necessary.
Interfacing the drive to a stepper indexer requires similar circuitry from the stepper indexer to J1. Instruc-
tions are provided to configure the drive using a PC with OMNI LINK software, but the optional TouchPad
may also may be used.
Hardware Set Up
Make the connections described below and shown in Figure 8.4.
1. Connect an RS-232 cable between the serial port on the PC and the J4 connector on the drive. A
simple 3 wire cable is depicted in the figure below.
2. Connect a Motor/Feedback cable from the motor to the J2 connector on the drive.
3. Connect a Power cable from the motor to TB1 (terminals R, S, T and
) on the drive.
4. Connect the Step/Direction signals to the drive as shown in the diagram.
5. Connect a jumper wire with a switches between the following pins:
J1-20 (ENABLE) and J1-26 (I/O PWR)
J1-32 (INPUT1) and J1-26 (I/O PWR)
J1-21 (FAULT RESET) and J1-26 (I/O PWR).
6. Connect an external 12 to 24 VDC power source for powering I/O to J1-5 (I/O PWR) and J1-6
(I/O COM).
7. Connect the drive to a single phase 100/240 VDC, 50/60 Hz power source.
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