TI120 Series Variable Frequency Drive
Detailed parameter introduction
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The acceleration and deceleration time of the variable frequency drive during inching operation;
when the variable frequency drive is in inching operation, the acceleration or deceleration control is
performed according to the setting acceleration and deceleration time.
Polyline acceleration time
switching frequency
range:0.00Hz~upper limit
Factory default:
Polyline deceleration time
switching frequency
range:0.00Hz~upper limit
Factory default:
When the output frequency is less than the setting value of P02.11 during acceleration, it is
switched to the acceleration time set by P02.02; when the output frequency is less than P02.12 during
deceleration, it is switched to the deceleration time set by P02.03. When P02.11 and P02.12 are set to 0,
the acceleration and deceleration switching of the polyline is invalid.
Output frequency
Figure 5-4 Schematic diagram of the acceleration and deceleration time switching of the
broken line
P03 vector control parameter
Speed/torque control selection
Factory default:00
Ones: Vector control selection
0: speed control
1: torque control
The speed control mode and torque control mode of the variable frequency drive can be switched
or inhibited through the ones unit of this parameter or the switching value input "speed/torque switching"
and "torque control inhibiting" functions. When running in the torque control mode, no PG vector control
or PG vector control can be selected through the P63.08 function code.
Tens: power generation limit
0: invalid
1: Full time limit
2: Constant speed limit
3: Deceleration limit
Select the torque limit of the variable frequency drive working in the power generation mode. Invalid
means that the variable frequency drive automatically limits with the maximum torque; full-range limit
means that the variable frequency drive is limited by the setting torque setting value when accelerating,
decelerating, and constant speed; the constant speed limit means that the torque setting value is limited