WSA5000 Functional Overview
The :SWEep:ENTRy commands provide the ability to define the capture engine
configurations equivalent to most of :INPut, :SENSe, :TRACe and :TRIGger commands
for each sweep entry. Sweep entries are identified by an index number and may be
inserted, edited and/or deleted like rows in a table or spreadsheet.
There are slight differences between the configuration options for trace versus sweep
captures. The sweep allows for definition of a range of center frequencies whereby the
center frequency is incremented in frequency by a step value. Level triggers may be
defined over the entire range of center frequencies. Sweeping does not support time
delayed triggers.
In addition, sweep mode data packets, whether VRT context or digitized data, are
“streamed” or “pushed” from the WSA (similar to :TRACe:STReam).
Table 6:
Sweep Capture Control/Status Interface
SCPI Command
Creates a new list identified by a unique string identifier
Deletes the current list
Sets the current list of which all subsequent :LIST commands pertain to
Defines the number of times the list is repeated during execution
Begins execution of the current sweep list from the first entry
Get the current sweep status
Stops execution of the current sweep list
All entry commands operate on the current list
Copies the settings of an existing sweep entry into the current settings for
quick editing
Gets the number of entries available in the list
Deletes the specified entry or all entries
Sets the sweep entry settings to default values
Gets the settings of an existing sweep entry
Saves the current editing entry to the end of the list or before the specified
ID location in the list when the integer value is given
Enables/disables the front-end's 20dB attenuation
As defined in
As defined in
Defines the center frequency of the RFE or a range of frequencies that
are stepped by the value defined by the :FREQuency:STEP
Defines the amount of frequency that the center frequency is stepped by
As defined in
As defined in
As defined in
As defined in
ThinkRF WSA5000 Wireless Signal Analyzer Programmer's Guide