SCPI Command Set
Query Response
0 | 1
Trigger event occurred
No trigger event
I/O Data Type
*RST State
TRACe Commands
A "trace capture" consists of a set of continuous data samples, ranging from 128 samples
to a maximum determined by the WSA5000 version (see
). Each data word is 32-bit wide, arranged differently depending on
and see VRT's
, page
ThinkRF's WSA5000 data packet returned through a network is complied with the
industry standard VRT protocol. Therefore, every data packet returned is encapsulated
with a VRT header and a VRT trailer. In addition, the VRT packet format sets a limit on
the maximum number of samples per packet. Refer to the “Receiver Context Class”
subsection of the
VITA-49 Radio Transport Protocol
section for further details on the VRT
packet organization.
To do a single
capture of continuous data, the total number of samples captured is
determined by the number of samples per packet (
) and the number of
packets per block (
). When the block data capture command
) is issued, the WSA5000 will capture and store the total number
of samples into a buffer. Hence, the samples within a single block capture is continuous
from one packet to the other, but not necessary between successive block capture
commands issued.
mode, the number of samples per packet (
) must be set
to determine the size of each packet coming back. The samples from one packet to
another will be continuous until the sample loss indicator (aka overflow indicator) is
detected within the trailer of the data packet. When this indicator is high in the current
VRT packet, it indicates that data overflow occurs
the current captured packet, not
within the packet. In other words, the samples of the immediate packet following after the
current packet that has the sample loss indicator bit high are not continuous from those of
the current packet.
The :DECimation command can be used to slow down the capture rate, thus,
effectively lowers the rate of discontinuity between packets to provide contiguous data
stream of data.
The WSA5000 can stored up to 32 MSa of ZIF or 64 Msa of SH continuous data.
This command will start the single block capture and the return of all trace packets set by
command, with each packet of the size set through
ThinkRF WSA5000 Wireless Signal Analyzer Programmer's Guide