Appendix E: SCPI Error Codes Used
Appendix E: SCPI Error Codes Used
Code Message
0 No error
Command error, range [-199, -100]
-144 Character data too long The character data contained more than 12 characters.
-171 Invalid expression
The command syntax was incorrect.
Execution error, range [-299, -200]
-200 Execution error
A generic execution error for which more specific information
is not available.
-210 Trigger error
-220 No matched module
The specific operation is not installed.
-221 Settings conflict
Indicates that a legal program data element was parsed but
could not be executed due to the current device state
-222 Data out of range
A parameter was of the proper type but outside of the defined
range for the specific command.
-223 Too much data
A parameter was received that contained more data than the
device could handle.
-224 Illegal parameter value
A parameter was received that is NOT allowed for the
particular command.
-230 Data corrupt or stale
Possibly invalid data; new reading started but not completed
since last access.
-240 Hardware error
Indicates that a legal program command or query could not be
executed because of a hardware problem in the device.
-241 Hardware missing
Indicates that a legal program command or query could not be
executed because of missing device hardware.
Device specific error, range [-399, -300]
-321 Out of memory
An internal operation needed more memory than that was
-330 Self test failed
-340 Calibration failed
-350 Query overflow
The SCPI remote interface error queue overflowed.
Query error, range [-499, -400]
A condition causing an INTERRUPTED query error occurred
WSA5000 Specific, range [-999, -900]
-901 No data
Read trace command issued while there is no data available.
-911 Please upgrade firmware The current firmware needs upgrading.
-912 Invalid option license
The option could not be installed because of invalid license.
ThinkRF WSA5000 Wireless Signal Analyzer Programmer's Guide