Appendix C: SCPI Command Syntax
Links command keywords together
Separates multiple commands entered together on a single program
single space
Uses to separate a parameter from a command or unit from a parameter
Uses to separate multiples parameters of a command
Uses to optionally enclose zero or more parameters
{.} or {.}*
The enclosed item maybe included zero or more times
The enclosed items occurs one or more times
One and only one of the two or more enclosed items separated by | maybe
Uses to enclose
parameter descriptions
Indicates query command, use where applicable
Indicates “or” and is used to separate alternative parameter options
Means “is defined as”
Parameter types
This section defines different SCPI parameter data type.
Parameter Type
ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Boolean parameters are always returned as 1 or 0 in NR1 format by query
Unsigned integer of NR1 format
Ex: 1 or 3432
Signed integer without a decimal point (implied radix point)
Ex: -25 or 0
Signed number with an explicit radix point
Ex: -1.234 or 1.0 or 0.0
Scaled explicit decimal point numeric value with and an exponent
Ex: 2.73e+2 or 2.351e2
Non-decimal numeric value such as hexadecimal, octal or binary
Character program data
Ex: MAXimum or MEDium
ASCII string surrounded by single or double quotes
Ex: “This is an example”
ThinkRF WSA5000 Wireless Signal Analyzer Programmer's Guide