WSA5000 Functional Overview
WSA5000 Functional Overview
This section overviews the WSA5000's functionality and protocols used, and summarizes
the SCPI command sets for controlling the individual functions.
Note: This is a living and evolving document. We welcome your feedback.
The features and functionality described in this section
exist in the current product
firmware release or are scheduled for a future product firmware release (grayed out
commands and/or text). Please refer to
Appendix F: SCPI Commands Quick Reference
for the complete list of
commands and the availability information. No hardware upgrade
is required at each feature release (unless specified though unlikely).
System Overview
The WSA5000 Wireless Signal Analyzer is a high-performance software-defined RF
receiver, digitizer and analyzer, as illustrated in
. With patent-pending software-
defined RF receiver technology, the WSA provides industry leading combined sensitivity,
tuning range, instantaneous bandwidth (IBW) and scan rate. Additionally, it provides
real-time sophisticated triggering and capture control.
The WSA5000 is designed for stand-alone, remote and/or distributed wireless signal
analysis. It is ideal for monitoring, management and surveillance of transmitters, whether
they are in-building or spread across a geographic area. Applications include, but are not
limited to:
spectrum analysis, wireless network management and interference mitigation;
cognitive radio and white space spectrum sensing, enterprise wireless signal
intrusion detection (WSID);
government spectrum licensing monitoring and enforcement;
technical security counter measures (TSCM) and military communications and
signals intelligence (COMINT/SIGINT and CEW).
The WSA5000 hardware largely consists of:
a hybrid super-heterodyne and direct-conversion RF receiver front-end (RFE);
receiver front end inputs and outputs to support clock synchronization, direct
digitization input, and IF output for high-end digitization;
a 125 MSample/sec 12-bit (or 14-bit as a population variant) wideband (WB) ADC
with a dynamic range of about 70dB;
a 300 kSample/sec 24-bit narrowband (NB) ADC with a dynamic range in excess of
a large Xilinx FPGA with embedded MicroBlaze microprocessor, Gigabit Ethernet
interface and custom embedded digital signal processing (DSP) logic;
128 or 256 MB of DDR3 for real-time caching of digitized data; and
a general purpose input/output (GPIO) port.
ThinkRF WSA5000 Wireless Signal Analyzer Programmer's Guide