February 4, 2016
System Description
For LCD display processing, the reference design is developed based on Altera’s Video and Image
Processing (VIP) suite. The Frame Reader VIP is used for reading data to be displayed from the
associated video memory, and the VIP Video Out is used to display the video data. The data is
drawn by the Nios II processor according to user input.
For multi-touch processing, whenever there is any touch activity occurring, a I2C Controller IP is
used to retrieve serial data from the I2C interface, the associated touch information including
multi-touch gestures and 5-point touch coordinates can be calculated through the data in NIOS II.
Figure 6-31
shows the system generic block diagram of painter demonstration.
Figure 6-31 System Block Diagram of the Painter Demonstration
Design Tools
Quartus II v15.0
Nios II Eclipse 15.0
Demonstration Source Code