1 - Introduction—Expansion cards
• “Notes” provide additional information which
requires special attention.
1.2.1 How this manual is arranged
We feel that the first five sections of this manual are
"required reading". If you take the trouble to read
through these sections, you will have a good basic
understanding of the way in which you can get the
best out of the TM-D4000. Even if you are familiar
with the operation of mixers and digital mixers, and
even if you never usually read instruction manuals,
we suggest that you read these sections. They will
provide useful background information for you as
you use the TM-D4000.
The other sections are more in the nature of back-
ground reference, and contain information that you
may not need for everyday working.
Lastly, a tutorial section is provided that allows you
(or a new user of the TM-D4000) to become familiar
with the working of the TM-D4000.
1, “Introduction” :
This section. It provides an
overview of the TM-D4000, its operational features,
and the manual.
2, “Principles of operation” :
Contains basic
information on the layout and the special features of
the TM-D4000 (fader layers, user interface features,
3, “System setup” :
Before using the TM-
D4000, there are certain issues concerned with word
(sync) clock timing, etc. This section should be read
before you start integrating the TM-D4000 into your
4, “Module operations” :
This may be
regarded as the "heart" of this manual—it contains
details of the everyday operations you perform with
any mixing console; for example, equalization, Aux
sends, buss routing, etc.
5, “Monitoring” :
Explains the principles of
monitoring durinng multitracking annd mixdown,
and solo operations, etc. using the TM-D4000.
6, “Surround modes” :
The TM-D4000 is
capable of mixing a a number of different surround
formats. This section explains how to use this mixer
for surround purposes.
7, “Internal effect processor” :
This section
explains how to use and set the internal effect proces-
sor of the TM-D4000.
8, “Library functions” :
In addition to effect
processor settings, complete mixer snapshots, equal-
ization settings, and dynamics processor settings can
be stored and recalled for convenience. These
"library" functions are described in this section.
9, “Machine Control” :
The TM-D4000 can act
as a remote control unit for a wide variety of external
devices, and provides MIDI timecode synchroniza-
tion facilities. This section provides a guide to these
10, “MIDI” :
This section gives a description of the
MIDI-related features of the TM-D4000.
11, “Cascade” :
This section describes the way
in which a number of TM-D4000 units can be linked
together in a “cascade” to form a larger mixing unit.
12, “Front panel” :
Provides a brief description
of the front panel features of the TM-D4000.
13, “Rear panel & connections” :
a brief description of the rear panel connectors, etc.
and the connections to be made to and from the TM-
D4000 and other units.
14, “Specifications, etc.” :
Specifications, and
a list of error messages, as well as all the configura-
tion screens available, and a block diagram of the
“Tutorial–Simple recording session” :
This provides a simple recording session using an
analog source (CD player) recording to a DTRS unit,
and mixing down to DAT. We suggest that you work
through this (about 1 hour) to familiarize yourself
with the way in which the TM-D4000 works. This
tutorial may be removed from the main manual
binder and stored seperately, if desired.
There is also an index, which should allow you to
find the answers to any questions relatively easily.
In addition to this manual, the documentation for the
automation software is provided seperately, as is the
documentation for the expansion cards (see below)
and the optional MU-4000 meter bridge unit.
1.3 Expansion cards
You must decide on the system that you will be using
with your TM-D4000 and configure it appropriately.
There are three slots available for expansion cards.
Without any expansion cards fitted in these slots, the
TM-D4000 is only capable of accepting analog sig-