DXF-200 Getting Started Guide
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The material contained in this manual, and in the Help for the software used to support this instrument, is
believed adequate for the intended use of the instrument. If the instrument or procedures are used for pur-
poses other than those specified herein, confirmation of their suitability must be obtained from TA Instru-
ments. Otherwise, TA Instruments does not guarantee any results and assumes no obligation or liability.
TA Instruments also reserves the right to revise this document and to make changes without notice.
TA Instruments may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual prop-
erty covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in written license agreement
from TA Instruments, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents,
trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.
TA Instruments Operating Software, as well as Module, Data Analysis, and Utility Software and their asso-
ciated manuals and Help, are proprietary and copyrighted by TA Instruments. Purchasers are granted a
license to use these software programs on the module and controller with which they were purchased.
These programs may not be duplicated by the purchaser without the prior written consent of TA Instru-
ments. Each licensed program shall remain the exclusive property of TA Instruments, and no rights or
licenses are granted to the purchaser other than as specified above.
TA Instruments can accept no liability for loss or damage, however caused, arising from the faulty or
incorrect use of its products.TA Instruments shall not be liable for any damages caused by interactions
between exogenous materials (e.g. chemicals) and parts of the instrument. This includes interactions of
gaseous, liquid or solid materials with parts of the instrument.
©2020 by
TA Instruments — Waters LLC
159 Lukens Drive
New Castle, DE 19720