A-96.250.671 / 070222
AMI Silica
After the 6-way valve position has been set, select <Pump> and
press [Enter].
Set the pump to <on> for a half minute.
The reagent is pumped into the beaker.
Read the weight on the display of the balance.
The weight must be within 2.0 to 2.3 g.
Repeat step 6 to 10 and set the 6-way valve to position 2, 3, and
4 to check the tubes of the canisters 2, 3 and 4.
If the reagent volume is below 2 g:
check the tube connections for leakage
check if a tube is damaged (i.e. kniked)
Replace the pump tubes of the peristaltic pump, see
Replace the 6-way valve, see enclosed installation instruction.
7.2. Grab Sample
The grab sample function is normally used to measure an external
sample. But it can be used for verification as well.
If the grab sample function is used for verification, the deviation to
the expected value should be less than 30%. If the deviation is high