A-96.250.671 / 070222
AMI Silica
Product Description
Product Description
The AMI Silica is a complete monitoring system for the automatic,
continuous measurement of the silica content in water of power
plants or demineralizer plants.
The determination of silica is done by the photometric analysis of
molybdate blue at 810 nm.
Silica and ortho-phosphates react at low pH with ammonium molyb
date to the yellow colored silico molybdic acid respectively phospho
molybdic acid. The phospho molybdic acid is destroyed with oxalic
acid before the silico molybdic acid is reduced with ammonium
iron(II) sulfate to the heteropoly-blue complex.
The required reagents are added in 3 steps to the sample in the pho
tometer, where they allow a precise measurement of the silica content
in the sample after the chemical reactions has been finished.
Grab sample
The measuring mode grab sample allows the measurement of sam
ples from remote locations.
sample stream
If required the AMI Silica can be equipped with the optional second
sample stream module.
If measurement of more than two sample streams is required, the
AMI Silica can be connected to a Sample Sequencer which allows to
measure up to six sample streams.
Two signal outputs programmable for measured values (freely scal
able, linear or bilinear) or as continuous control output (control pa
rameters programmable).
Current loop:
0/4–20 mA
Maximal burden:
510 Ω
Third signal output available as an option. The third signal output can
be operated as a current source or as a current sink (selectable via
Two potential-free contacts programmable as limit switches for mea
suring values, controllers or timer for system cleaning with automatic
hold function. Both contacts can be used as normally open or nor
mally closed.
Maximum load: 1 A / 250 VAC