NVR Software - SeeTec Surveillance
Expert mode
1. Click on
Expert mode
to open the expert mode.
The settings in expert mode are equal to those in the simple search with the
following exceptions:
Displays all created areas.
Fine adjustment
With fine adjustment you can adjust SeeTec ISearch flyout windows to the
surroundings in the camera image:
Dead time (s)
Dead time (s)
field specifies how long after a motion in the image or
image area another hit in the result list is displayed.
Pixel threshold
You can adjust the
Pixel threshold
if the camera is used in extreme
lighting conditions or the environment or the background make this
necessary. The threshold value treats such a change in the image as a
motion. The higher the
Pixel threshold
, the greater is the image change
needed to qualify as a hit.
Maximum number of fps
This can accelerate the search considerably as not all recorded images
may need to be searched.
Maximum pixel limit for interval search
The maximum pixel limit for interval search only affects searches for a
lasting change. The system constantly compares within the starting point
and end point of the time range to be searched. If the current state of
both points diverges by more than the specified pixel limit, the interval
bisection is interrupted and a serial search with bigger increments is
started until the number goes below the pixel limit again. Then, the
interval search continues from this point.
Display motion in entire image
Expert mode
searches only those areas that were specified by the
If this option is enabled, motion in areas outside the selected areas is also
highlighted if motion was detected in the selected areas.
Display help dialog after single search
After the search is completed, select whether the event that you searched
for was or was not found and, if the event was found, whether you want
to change to the
Archive Mode
with the event.