RFI-9256 Radio Modem User Manual
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The line is always inactive.
CTS/DCD disabled:
The line control has been disabled.
When hardware flow control is enabled, the CTS line configuration is ignored.
5.1.3 Statistics
Each serial port has associated with it a set of statistics that can be used to debug RFI-9256 applications. The
serial port statistics are described in Table 6.
Rx Bytes
The total number of bytes that have been received.
Rx Errors
The total number of errors that have occurred during data reception. This is the sum of Rx
Overflows, Rx Overruns, Rx Framing, and Rx Parity errors.
The total number of overflow errors that have occurred. An overflow error occurs whenever
data is received, but the internal buffer is already full.
The total number of overrun errors that have occurred. An overrun error occurs whenever the
internal processor is overloaded and cannot handle the incoming data. This error should
never occur.
The total number of framing errors that have occurred. Framing errors usually occur due to
mismatched serial port baud rates between the DTE and DCE.
Tx Bytes
The total number of bytes that have been transmitted.
Tx Errors
The total number of errors that have occurred while transmitting. This is equal to the Tx
Overflows count.
The total number of overflows that have occurred. An overflow occurs when the radio
attempts to insert data into the transmit buffer internally, and the buffer is full.
Table 6: Serial port statistics
These statistics can be used to isolate a number of potential problems in an RFI-9256 system.
A large number of Rx framing errors indicates that the radio serial port configuration (baud, data
bits, parity, and stop bits) is not configured to match the serial port configuration of the DTE.
A large number of Rx overflow errors indicates that the DTE is supplying data faster than it can be
transferred over the air. This can usually be corrected by enabling flow control. If flow control is
already enabled on the radio then it may not be operating correctly on the DTE.
A large number of Tx overflow errors indicates that data is arriving over the air faster than the DTE
can retrieve it from the radio.