Appendix B Terminal Menu Reference
RFI-9256 Radio Modem User Manual
Page 83 of 109
Set Menu Timeout :
Sets the amount time a menu remains idle before it is closed.
B.6 (D) Diagnostics Menu
*** Diagnostics Menu ***
(S) Display Status
(E) Event Log Menu
(T) Test Indicator LEDs
(D) Test Digital Outputs
(N) Show channel signal/noise
(L) Show Stats/Logging
(M) Test Link Margin
(1) Statistics Menu
(2) Display Tasks
(3) Display Links
(Esc) Previous Menu
Enter Choice:
Figure 51: Diagnostics menu
Display Status:
This function gives a summary of the information regarding the configuration of
the radio.
Test Indicator LEDs:
Selecting this function starts a test of the front panel LEDs. This is a visual
test and the LEDs must be observed while this test is in progress. It simply turns the LEDs on and
off operating using all the colours in a predefined sequence.
Test Digital Outputs:
This will cause all the auxiliary I/Os to be set as outputs, and then each I/O
turned on then off in turn. This is used to test the functionality of the I/O port.
Show channel signal/noise:
When this function is selected, a table showing the signal and noise
levels for each channel is displayed. If a ‘??’ is displayed as the signal value then there wasn’t a
recent sample for that channel.
Show Stats/Logging:
Shows the statistics relating to the quality of the data throughput and
information regarding the performance of both serial ports.
Test Link Margin:
Displays the average signal and average noise the radio is measuring. If the unit
is configured as a master then it will require an address of the slave.
Display Links:
Displays all the links that the radio current has established. This is a table with the
following items:
the index number used internally.
the local port number that is the source/destination for the data.
the extension that has been dialled if a remote has dialled this unit
the remote port that is the source/destination for the data