Appendix B Terminal Menu Reference
RFI-9256 Radio Modem User Manual
Page 77 of 109
B.2.2.2 (R) Route Manager Menu
*** Route Manager Menu ***
Main Port: Protocol Type: Modbus
Used Space : 0
Free Space : 3935
Total Routes : 0
Single Routes : 0
Mapped Routes : 0
Range Routes : 0
No Default Route
(A) Add Route
(D) Delete Route
(X) Delete All Routes
(L) List All Routes
(T) List Routes by Type
(Esc) Previous Menu
Enter Choice:
Figure 42: Route manager menu
Add Route:
Adds a new route to the routing table.
Delete Route:
Deletes an existing route from the routing table.
Delete All Routes:
Deletes all routes in the routing table for the selected port.
List All Routes:
Lists all the configured routes for this RFI-9256. Slave radios only have a default
route configured, while masters may have an extensive routing table. The following items are
displayed for each route:
is the individual route identifier.
Route Type
is the type of route (single, mapped or range).
Route Source
is the destination address that is found in the protocol packet.
Destination Radio
is the radio that the packet is sent to.
List Routes by Type:
Provides a list of all routes sorted by the route type.