RFI-9256 Radio Modem User Manual
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The requirements for using the Cruise Control application are:
Pentium III+ Windows based machine.
At least 1 available serial port.
The Cruise Control application is provided on a CD or can be downloaded from the website
, and runs with a self-installer.
4.2.1 Connecting to a Local Device
In order to connect to a local device, attach the 9256 to the PC running Cruise Control via a serial port.
Configure Cruise Control with the appropriate serial port settings (19200, 8,N,1 by default), and ensure that
the 9256 is configured with Hayes AT command interface on the connected port.
Use the
Device -> Connect to Local Device
menu item or connect button (
) to connect to the
local device. Once all the settings have been downloaded from the device, the available configuration groups
are displayed in a tree on the left, with the items that can be configured in each group displayed in tables in
the right.
Editable items have their names in black, while those that are read only have their names in grey.
Changes made to serial port baud rate, data bits, parity, stop bits, flow control, and protocol mode on the port
that cruise control is open on do not take effect immediately. They will only take effect once the stop button
in Cruise Control is pressed, or the radio is reset.
It is possible to remotely connect to a device over the air by using
Device -> Connect to Remote
or using the remote button (
) and entering the remote address of the device. For best results when
using a remote connection:
Do not connect to a remote device through store-and-forward repeaters.
Do not connect to a remote device while a live system is running.
4.2.2 Saving and Loading Configurations
The current configuration of a device can be saved by selecting:
File -> Save As...
: This saves the configuration of the connected device to a selected
file. This configuration can later be re-applied to a device by using the
File -> Upload
option or view using
Tools -> View Saved Configuration
File -> Export as Text
: This exports the configuration to a human readable text file.
It is recommended that only local devices have their configuration loaded from file, as when performing this
operation on a remote device only those items that can be edited remotely will be updated.