Appendix B Terminal Menu Reference
RFI-9256 Radio Modem User Manual
Page 71 of 109
B.1.1 (2) Link Control Menu
*** Link Control Menu ***
Main Port: ARQ Retries = 50
Aux Port: ARQ Retries = 50
Network Fail Timer = 5000ms
Online Request Timer = 1000ms
Backoff Retry is Disabled
(A) Number of Retries for ARQ
(F) Network Fail Timer
(O) Online Request Timer
(B) Backoff Retries Enable/Disable
(Esc) Previous Menu
Enter Choice:
Figure 35: Link control menu
Number of Retries for ARQ:
The ARQ (automatic repeat request) controls the number of times the
radio will resend a packet of lost information before discarding the packet. This can be set as high
as 255 retries. Each serial port can be configured independently allowing for modes like broadcast
(where a low retry count is desirable) to co-exist with point-to-point or Hayes dial-up modes on the
same radio. This is done through the protocol link control menu outlined in Appendix B.2.2.3 on
page 78.
Network Fail Timer:
The network fail timeout controls the time a slave waits when a signal is lost
before attempting to re-synchronise. The network link LED on the front panel also indicates this
Online Request Timer:
This timer controls the length of time between integrity checks between
radios connected in point-to-point or Hayes dial-up modes.
Backoff Retries Enable / Disable:
When several slaves are to be connected simultaneously to a
single master, they should be configured with back-off retries. This allow for collisions between the
slaves to be resolved using exponential back off and retry.