ST2515 Operation Manual
measurement result.
TEMPerature Subsystem Commands
TEMPerature subsystem commands set the instrument trigger source and the delay time after
triggering, and triggers instrument measurement.
Command Tree:
The :TEMPerature:CORRect:STATe command sets “ON” and “OFF” of the instrument temperature
correction function.
The :TEMPerature:CORRect:STATe? query returns to the current state of the temperature
correction function.
Command syntax:
:TEMPerature:CORRect:STATe <ON(1) or OFF(0)>
For example: WrtCmd(“:TEMPerature:CORRect:STATe ON”); Set the instrument temperature
correction function as “ON”.
NOTE: Turning the temperature correction function on will stop the temperature conversion
Query Syntax: :TEMPerature:CORRect:STATe?
Return format: <NR1><NL^END>
<NR1> = 1 or 0
1: the instrument temperature correction function is “ON”.
0: the instrument temperature correction function is “OFF”.
The :TEMPerature:CORRect:PARameter command sets the “reference temperature” and
“temperature coefficient” of the instrument temperature correction function.
The :TEMPerature:CORRect:PARameter? query returns to the current “reference temperature”
and “temperature coefficient”.
Command syntax:
:TEMPerature:CORRect:PARameter<Reference Temp.>,<Temp. Coefficient>
Where, <Reference Temp.> = -10.0 to 99.9(NR2) means “reference temperature”, unit: °C