ST2515 Operation Manual
Returned value: <0 or 1><NL^END>
0: it indicates that the 0 ADJ has completed successfully and open 0 ADJ after
the completion.
1: it indicates that the measured value of resistance exceeds 1,000 dgt, namely
operation failed.
The :MEASMODE command sets the measurement mode of the instrument.
The :MEASMODE? query returns to the current measurement mode.
Command syntax:
For example: WrtCmd(“FUNC: MEASMODE SLOW”); Set the measurement mode of the
instrument as SLOW.
Query syntax: FUNCtion: MEASMODE?
Return format: <SLOW or FAST><NL^END>
The :FDETect command sets the instrument measurement fault detection time setup.
The :FDETect? query returns to the current measurement fault detection time time.
Command syntax: FUNCtion:FDETect <Measurement fault detection time>
Where, < Measurement fault detection time > = 0 to 9.998(NR2)
For example: WrtCmd(“FUNC:FDETect 0.020”); Set the instrument measurement fault detection
time as 0.020 seconds.
The measurement fault detection time should not be set greater than or equal to the
measurement delay time!
Query syntax: FUNCtion:FDETect?
Return format: <value><NL^END> value(NR2) in second(s)
The :FDETect:AUTO command sets the instrument auto selection mode of the measurement fault
detection time setup.
The :FDETect:AUTO? query returns to the current setstate.
Command syntax:
ON (1)
OFF (0)
Character 1 (integer:49) means ON.
Character 0 (integer: 48) means OFF.
For example: WrtCmd(“FUNC:FDETect:AUTO ON”); Set the insrument measurement fault
detection time setup as AUTO.
Query syntax: FUNCtion:FDETect:AUTO?
Return format: <NR1><NL^END>